5 Great Tips for a Mindful Christmas
For many of us, the season of peace and goodwill has become a time of stress and indulgence. Here’s 5 Great tips for a more mindful Christmas
- The Sound of Music
Take the opportunity with Christmas Carols and festive muzak around, to take time out to listen and give all your attention to one or two favourite pieces that speak to your heart. See if you can fully focus on the sounds. You might discover layers of sound you didn’t realise were there. Be present to the sounds.
- Find your refuge of calm
Connect for 10 minutes into a refuge of calm. This could be your car parked out in the carpark, a cosy window-seat, or even a mindful walk. Respect your need for topping up moments of settling; amidst all the busyness of Christmas find time away from the family.
- Seasonal Scents
Enjoy the seasonal smells as you are cooking in the kitchen, shopping or walking in nature. We often take our sense of smell for granted – be mindful of all those astonishing fragrances at this time of year – from rich, spicy mince-pies to pine cones, spiced oranges, cinnamon and cloves. Savour the scents!
- Gratitude practice
There is so much to be appreciative of at this time of year. Having hearth and home, being healthy, meeting up with friends and family, plentiful food and beautiful surroundings; the list is endless. Say it to others, say it to yourself or write it down: Thank you for your loving kindness!
- Mindful breathing
Imagine a spot just below your navel. Breathe into and out of that spot, filling your abdomen with air. Let the air in, then let it out, like a balloon inflating and deflating. With every long, slow exhalation, deepen into the feeling and let go. Try this any time you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed, bit by bit letting go of Christmas tensions
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