Immeasurable Compassion Practice
Sit in a calm and centred posture, feeling your body where it and as it is. Gently settle
Breathe slowly, deeply yet gently and begin to get the flety exerinece of your heart and mind, and your body here and now.
Breathe, softly, gently. Feel what it is to be you.
Say to yourself
May I be peaceful
May I be happy
May I be free from suffering
Bring to your attention someone you care for, empathising with hardships in their life, and their yearning for happiness and well-being. With increasing awareness notice how your heart can open to those whom you care for.
May you be peaceful
May you be happy
May you be free from suffering
Allow yourself to savour these phrases for a while.
Bring to your attention the all the sentient beings in this world who are suffering, who are yearning for happiness, peace and freedom.
Breathe in that suffering. Breathe out compassion, saying
May you be peaceful
May you be happy
May you be free from suffering
Allow yourself to sit, savour and breathe for a few minutes.
Practice extending this further outwards…practice with a person you do not like, who has hurt you saying
May you be peaceful
May you be happy
May you be free from suffering
Practice your compassion until it becomes immeasurable.
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