are you driven by these 7 myths of success?
I want to be a success, but I’m not sure how to be one. What would it look like?
Am I going about it all the wrong way?
Perhaps I’ve bought into a set of ideas about success without really reflecting on them. It could be that these ideas have all had their day, but it’s just…all around me people seem to be modelling them.
They can’t all be wrong, can they?
They must be very successful.
Is it just me?
Look I’ve put all these together-how folks seem to be- and come up with 7 pillars of success. See what you think-they seem to very popular:
- Judge: listen deeply and adhere well to the critical voice within that tells you what a complete failure you are and there’s something wrong with you
- Hurry: through everything. Don’t wait, don’t stop, just run at full pelt through the world and don’t worry if others are left behind; they will either catch up or not, but don’t make it your concern
- Facts are real and true and thoughts are facts and you are an expert
- Don’t trust: anybody. Nobody. Get them before they get you. This keeps you safe
- Strive: just keep your shoulder to the wheel and work on; don’t look out the window it’s just a distraction, achieve, outcomes, your performance is all that matters you augmented human you
- Stress is success: stress and worry and low mood means you are experiencing reality s it is
- Grab what you can and hold onto to tightly, it belongs to you and you belong to it
And then I came across this guy called Jon Kabat-Zinn.
A lot of years ago, he wrote about mindfulness in a book called Full Catastrophe Living and he came up with what are now known as The & Pillars of Mindfulness. They are
- Non-judging: cultivate an impartial witness to your own experience
- Patience: things often must unfold in their own time
- Beginner’s mind: we let what we “know” prevent us from seeing things as they really are
- Trust: develop a basic trust in yourself and your own experience
- Non-striving: non-doing, being, no goal, no outcome
- Acceptance: see things as they are, but not resignation
- Letting go: being Velcro for bad, Teflon for good; releasing identification with tings
Maybe I should give this mindfulness stuff a go…. I might find success…. I might find happiness….
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